Oftentimes MORE than School Ready
Montessori Sets Your Child Up For Life And School Success
Oftentimes MORE
than School Ready
Montessori Sets Your Child Up
For Life And School Success
pre primary and kindergarten | 3 - 6 years | Serving Brighton, MI

Self-confidence, positive social skills, and a love of learning
Learning concentration, determination, and
gaining confidence
Materials that inspire resilience, a sense of accomplishment, and boost self-esteem
Descriptive praise reinforces positive habits and behaviors
The Mixed-Age Classroom is a unique, cooperative setting
Ready For Grade School With Reading, Writing, And Math
No need to worry about your child’s health with Zono
Enrichments Included: Learning Spanish And Music
Each week, children learn basic music concepts like rhythm, tempo, and note reading. We partner with Bilingual Fun, a program developed by educators and parents so that we expose your child to Spanish daily. These fun, interactive enrichments are our gift to you.
Practicing Life Skills for more self-confidence and independence
Gaining Stability and purpose through daily routines
Be a part of your child’s day with the KangarooTime App
Spending Time outside every day for an appreciation of Nature
Virtual Tour - Preprimary Program
parent reviews
Brighton Montessori is a great school. My daughter absolutely loves it! She is 4 and is now reading, doing math, learning Spanish, yoga, and more. They teach them to clean up after themselves and help out with tasks at home. She is definitely more of a helper and takes pride in doing things for herself.
Amanda McCarty
Our grandson, Noah attended preschool there. He loved learning there and was so excited to show me his projects. He made good friends there too. He tested higher than average when tested for kindergarten after attending Brighton Montessori.
Emily Gobright
The learning environment is traditional Montessori and they have been working on life skills in helping prepare their Thanksgiving feast and making the cookies for the cookie stroll. Our daughter enjoyed making a scarecrow for fall decorations and was very proud to show me when I dropped her off to school the following morning.